Micothon Videos

How to spray LESS and BETTER!

Customers talk:

‘Food safety is really the most important thing.’

‘Precision spot spraying helps us to spray less and better’

‘Better leaf coverage in dense crop with less plant protection product’

‘You spray much more uniform which saves product and time’

Vacuum systems and custom solutions for crop protection:

Vacuum systems and other Custom Built solutions.

Mega Vacuum at Coppert Cress, The Netherlands

Electrostatic disinfection systems:

A perfect start for newly grown cuttings (TopStart)

A longer vase life for every rose (TopFinish)

UVC Disinfection systems:

UVC systems to protect your flower crop without the use of pesticides (FloraUVC)

UVC systems to protect your soft fruit crop without the use of pesticides (DemoUVC)

Short video UVC systems in greenhouse with pipe-rail system (NarvaUVC)

Vegetable production:

Treatment of young plants on ebb and flood floors (Flamingo)

Tomato in greenhouse with pipe-rail system (Narva)

Pepper treatment on pipe-rail system (M2)

Tomato treatment with air-support in greenhouse with pipe-rail system (Amazone)

Tomato in greenhouse without pipe-rail system (Mira)

Berry production:

Treatment of Berries and Currants (Berry)

Strawberry treatment in tunnel

Flower and ornamental plant production:

Rose treatment with air-support technology in greenhouse with pipe-rail system (M2)

Precision Spot Spraying with Smart Spray Technology (M3)

Treatment of roses in greenhouse without pipe-rail system (Mira)

Gerbera treatment with air-support in greenhouse with pipe-rail system (M2)

Treatment of young plants and ornamentals on ebb and flood floors (Flamingo)

Treatment of roses in plastic greenhouse (EX)

Miscellanious special projects:

Special projects for professional crop protection (Vacuum)

UVGI systems to disinfect public places

Micothon Spraying equipment for outdoor crops (Jaipur)

Micothon Spraying equipment for plastic greenhouses (EX)