Strawberry crop protection

An english strawberry grower was asking for a modern way of strawberry crop protection. He wants to present a clean and healthy tray of strawberries to his customers. Micothon was most happy to oblige. We are helping this grower with a fully automatic and highly efficient machine to protect the crop easlily and efficiently.

Strawberry crop protection by Micothon

With the Micothon automatic spraying robot as a basis, the engineers at Micothon have developed a new machine.

This installation is equipped with a special air mast, to combat pests and diseases in strawberry.

The video shows the machine on the test track. It is specially constructed for this trial for a (cold and windy) acceptance test at the factory.

The machine will soon be delivered and implemented remotely via a video connection with the Micothon support team in Mijdrecht.

More information how to spray less and better? Contact us at Micothon and challenge us with your request.