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Mico Air

Insect control based on air technology, without the use of chemical agents.

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Growing food without chemicals is a dream slowly becoming a reality for many growers. One of the available technologies is insect extraction using a vacuum.

It is a proven system for combating flying insects. The technology is used, for example, in young plants. With more powerful systems, it is also possible to vacuum insects from larger plants.

Mico Air in vegetable cultivation

Sustainable crop protection in cress

In collaboration with Koppert Cress and De Vette engineering, Micothon in the Netherlands developed a special Mico Air application to combat flying insects in cress.

Mico Air in ornamental horticulture

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Sustainable and effective crop protection against Sciara

For the removal of Sciara, a Micothon cart has been built with a hood of four caps and fans that can treat four rows of flowers with a total width of 8 meters. Due to the fully automatic daily treatment, the insects are easily controlled without the use of pesticides. The technology is successful and offers many possibilities in greenhouse horticulture.

For the propagation of young plants, it is especially important to start free from harmful insects. Automatic extraction by vacuuming is a very attractive way to protect these vulnerable plants from flying insects without chemicals.

See Mico Air machines in action