Over micothon

About Micothon

IPM technology 2 0

Unique in crop protection

Micothon BV is a Dutch company that develops, manufactures, and sells crop protection systems for greenhouses worldwide.

As specialists in crop protection technology in greenhouse horticulture, we believe that technology plays a crucial role in achieving IPM objectives. Therefore, we are constantly developing tailored technology for each business, focused on minimizing the use of chemical agents. We do this through our Greenhouse IPM 2.0 model: a combination of spray, light, and air technology. With this approach, we are unique in the world of crop protection in greenhouse horticulture.

We have been doing this since 1995. Since that year, Theo Straathof has been responsible as a pioneer for the development of a wide range of high-quality technological solutions. Micothon technology is sold in more than 20 countries across the globe.

Micothon IPM IMG 1546

Crop protection technology
Made for you

Characteristic of our approach is the custom production of technology and its continuous development after installation. We sell optimal crop protection in greenhouses with minimal chemical use. For us, a project is only completed when those objectives are met.

Micothon visionmission

Less chemistry,
more technology


The use of chemicals in greenhouses is increasingly under pressure. Micothon believes that technology can make a significant contribution to reducing the use of chemicals.


To reduce the use of chemicals in greenhouses by developing innovative crop protection technology and aligning it with greenhouse growers' specific situations on a company-by-company basis.

Micothon circularity

Circular steps

Tackling and eradicating pests spot by spot instead of treating entire fields results in a significant reduction in the use of resources.

Some of our machines are over twenty years old, yet they still run like new. The foundation is solid stainless steel, and we can replace worn parts. We ensure that new parts are interchangeable with nearly all models.

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Micothon Worldmap
Netherlands • Russia • Ukraine • Germany • Belgium • France • Spain • Belarus • Portugal • Switserland • Poland • Austria • Italy • Macedonia • Canada • Moldavia • Australia • United Kingdom • United States • Uzbekistan • Marocco