Crop Protection

Result of crop protection in greenhouses depends 50% on the plant protection products (PPP) and 50% on the spraying technique.

Our vision is that you are better off giving your crop an expert spraying with a friendly PPP rather than spraying it badly with a good quality agent.

Micothon spraying machines help you spray less and better. They are a proven concept of automatic spraying to control mildew, spidermite and whitefly. The results show considerable savings on PPP and labour costs in greenhouse vegetable, rose and gerbera treatment.

Air-assisted system for better pestcontrol

Micothon is the inventor of air-assisted spraying in greenhouses. This technique results in better penetration and coverage and in better protection. To guarantee the effectiveness of the Micothon spraying system we have subjected this spraying technology to extensive testing.

Testresults of crop protection using air supported spraying machines

Practical tests show the ecologic and economic importance of optimal spraying. It is vital for integrated pest management in greenhouses. The results with the first 20 air-assisted Micothon M 2 spraying machines, compared to traditional spraying systems are listed in a report with reviews and conclusions. The report is available for your information bij downloading it here.

The test results conclude that when you use a Micothon air assisted spraying system:

  • your spraying result is 79% better compared to a standard spraying machine,
  • the interval between spraying sessions increases from 22 days to 44 days. This means 17 fewer spray sessions a year,
  • with a 4 ha greenhouse you will recover the cost of the machine within a year,
  • it brings a considerable reduction in labour and work risks and it is less harmful to the environment.